Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Why (This) Libertarian Hates Unions

Why do some libertarians hate unions? Megan McArdle says that liberals believe that libertarians hate unions because "they raise wages and improve working conditions for their workers at the expense of profits." Citing this article on tollbooths and the adoption of technology like the EZ-Pass, Megan says that the "the central problem with unions, to the extent that there is a problem, is not that they demand higher wages, but that they reflexively oppose productivity enhancing change." And she cites a couple of examples -- the dockworkers' strike and the Big Three autoworkers who sit around being paid to do nothing.

Megan is right that one problem with unions is that they tend to oppose productivity-enhancing innovation, and this is indeed a good reason to hate unions. But, from a libertarian perspective, the central problem with unions is that they depend on the coercive power of the state. Property rights and freedom of contract are fundamental rights. Under current law, if 51% of the workers at company X vote to join a union, the employer is legally required to contract with that union. (The Democrats want to change this to require compulsory contracting if 51% of the workers can be persuaded or intimidated into signing a card.) The employer cannot refuse to contract with that group, contract individually with the other 49%, offer payment to workers in exchange for an agreement not to join a union, or seek employees willing to give a better deal. Every private sector union contract in force today exists in part because a people with guns say "bargain with them, or else."

Under libertarian rules, workers would, of course, be free to form unions or join existing ones. They would be free to seek a favorable contract from their employer. By the same token, the employer would be allowed to bargain individually with people who chose not to join a union, to refuse to bargain with the union, or to offer contracts which forbade unionization. I am not a big fan of unions, but that is largely because, under current rules, they have the heavy hand of the state behind them.


Mike said...

Unions would wither up and die very quickly in the private sector with the power of the state behind them. There are too many workers today who have every good reason to not sign on to a union. Just look at how successful the Japanese car companies are in the United States with their American workers. Their workers are from the South, where there are no powerful non-governmental unions. They get paid basically the same rate, but at the end of the day they all have at-will contracts, and earn their pay and promotions on their own merits.

But of course you cannot expect political leftists to understand these basic facts. To them, it really is as simple as libertarians hate it when workers get paid well. It's just a function of the maleducated, malignant narcissism that is so common among leftists. They have a pathetic understanding of capitalism, refuse to think outside their own propaganda, and cannot even conceive of someone who disagrees with them having any good intentions toward their cherished "oppressed" classes.

梁爵 said...

2019.09.10 酒店經紀:梁曉尊—專業分析酒店工作環境內容
領檯有分: 制服店領檯 和便服店領檯(都是不脫不秀的)
當然薪水上有很大的差異 有坐檯的薪水一定會比較高
再來就是手挽要好 有機會上到檯就必須讓客人留住你。
領檯不需要玩 因為會點領檯的客人也知道領檯只有單純陪酒,上的好一個月領比公關多也不是問題 平均大概十幾萬!!領台一節大約130~140(10分鐘為一節)。便服店的領台因只需帶位 月薪約在3~4萬左右 工作單純但是職缺不多!!要靠關係才能進去!!(如皇親國戚在當總經理等等)
1: 禮服店不需要與制服店公關同檯
2: 禮服店所有小姐都一樣一視同人,自我打扮/服裝自由搭配,好與不好各憑本事
3: 禮服店 (不用脫衣/不用秀舞)
4: 禮服店薪資1節10分鐘170元~190元 大幅調漲 因應市場機制
1.這行就是外表的行業 時常調整自己到最佳狀況 才是面對競爭的不二法門 不怕被其他人比下去^^
2.其實消費者來這 並非要敢玩的女生坐在旁 有時因為要應酬客戶所以來這 他們要的重點是包廂氣氛 熱絡開心最重要,也很多消費者只要酒店小姐在旁倒酒聊心事
3.至於收入多少 當然有基本的先天條件 如:女人外在條件的比例/談吐/氣質/身材 等等
4依照我們的多年經驗 還是取決自己的態度和決心,畢竟這是人的生意 是必須經營的
5.來這行的消費者主力 多為28~45歲左右 因此他們看女人的角度是不同的 因此打扮還是多少花時間去調整喔

梁爵 said...

2020.05.17酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容因應新冠肺炎疫情,為了確保我在酒店上班的日子能在出現確診者後快速聯絡到接觸者,部分縣市政府開始要求八大行業酒店小姐一定有S?須採實名制,中央是否也有硬性要求 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?對此今天中央流行疫期指揮中心記者會上,指揮官陳時中表示,中央職場須知 【酒店PT 】不是強制規定一定要實名制,只要能確保可以快速聯絡到人就可。另外對於高雄市政府詢問,酒店打工、舞廳是由中央統一宣布復業,還是地方政府自行規劃復業期程?陳時中表示,只要能保持社交距離、梅花座,或有隔板,並落實個人健康衛生防護,戴口罩,量體溫,入口提供洗手清潔用品,確保能聯絡到人,地方能做到就可以開放,請大家配合規定,讓員工與出入人員都能安全。