Friday, October 26, 2007

All Hail the Darwinian State

Richard Dawkins gave an interview with a German newspaper in which he said, well, something about a "Darwinian state." I don't speak German, but the folks over at Panda's Thumb translate as follows:

Q. In “the Ancestor’s Tale” you mention the Welfare State as a challenge to Darwinism. How can one justify this challenge”

Dawkins: No self respecting person would want to live in a Society that operates according to Darwinian laws. I am an passionate Darwinist, when it involves explaining the development of life. However, I am a passionate anti-Darwinist when it involves the kind of society in which we want to live. A Darwinian State would be a Fascist state.

This quotation got picked up by First Things, and it made its way over to Dembski's blog, where contributor Barry A tries to make rhetorical hay out of it. After quoting a passage from one of his books where Dawkins appers to be saying that we all dance to the music of our genes, Barry claims that Dawkins contradicts himself:

In the last sentence Dawkins asserts that Darwinian determinism is absolute. It is, therefore, incoherent for him to suggest that we can “rise above” our biological nature. For if he is correct then we are nothing but material objects dancing to DNA’s tune, and it makes no sense to suggest that an object can rise above itself.

It is just here that O’Leary’s work in “The Spiritual Brain” comes into play. I can rise above my material body ONLY if an immaterial ”me” exists that is separate from, and superior to, my body.

I think I know what Dawkins meant to say: that belief in Darwinian evolution doesn't entail a belief in some form of crude social darwinism.

But still, he could have chosen his words a lot more carefully. I mean, what the heck is a "Darwinian State" anyway? A state where children face each other in gladiatorial games where the winners are allowed to reproduce? One where everybody gets IQ tests and the low scorers are culled? Nazi Germany? I don't know what a "Darwinian State" entails, and I don't know of anybody who wants one. I don't think it's a coherent or well-specified concept. Tell me what it is, and I will tell you if I like the idea.

Dawkins seems to be saying that belief in evolution is wholly compatible with the sort of European-style Social Democratic welfare state that, as a good left-leaning European intellectual he tends to favor. Which of course is true. But believing in evolution, or being an atheist who also believes in evolution, doesn't necessarily lead to any particular political agenda or economic theory. It is quite possible for somebody to be an atheist, and to believe in evolution, and be a Marxist, or a libertarian, or a Burkean conservative, or even a monarchist. Being an atheist is certainly incompatible with certain political positions -- Sharia law, Christian Reconstructionism, pretty much any other form of theocracy. But it is wholly compatible with a wide range of mutually-incompatible political belief systems.

Like it or not, Richard Dawkins is a big "name" atheist -- probably the most widely-known advocate of atheism on the stage today. He is also a science writer who has written a lot of popular stuff about evolution, and he's a big foil for the creationists. Given that position of notoriety, it is probably a mistake for him to make statements that the creationists can twist into some sort of concession. He can express whatever political views he wants, but he should probably avoid terms like "Darwinian state."


Anonymous said...

I think it takes a lot of twisting to get an contradiction out of Dawkin's statement. My God (Just had to say that), he is talking about two totally different things - biology and sociology.

Evolution is the biological development of our species over hundreds of thousands of years Wikipedia defines evolution as "the change in the inherited traits of a population from generation to generation. These traits are the expression of genes that are copied and passed on to offspring during reproduction. Mutations in these genes can produce new or altered traits, resulting in heritable differences (genetic variation) between organisms." For a timeline of human evolution see

The various forms of government that a particular society chooses generally is of relatively short duration with frequent interruptions and changes -- with absolutley nothing to do with biology.

Anonymous said...

I do know German and what he compared to a darwinian society (he did not use state here) was a fascist state or when the interviewer asked 'not a neo-liberal state' 'You probably are right with that'.

Just to clarify things a bit,

Greetings from Germany :)

Anna said...

"Given that position of notoriety, it is probably a mistake for him to make statements that the creationists can twist into some sort of concession."

I agree in principal. In practice the problem is that religionists will deliberately twist even comments that make sense when taken out of context by inserting the quotes into sense-contradictory statements. If they can't find distortable quotes, then they will simply invent things that the person never said in the first place.

The problem, as all atheists know, is that religionist and creationist polemicists may claim to be devoted to 'Truth', but they have no real interest in truth.

Mike said...

People like Dawkins do not have the honesty to admit that fundamental truths like Darwinism drive society at a deep level. If most people genuinely believed that the supreme truth about how human life came into existence was Darwinian, well, you could forget any sort of welfare state right then and there. It would lead to a rather cruel state.

You cannot simply say "well, Darwin was right, but the fact is, the truth really hurts. So, we're going to pretend that the parts that we like about Christianity are true!" Unless you want to sound like an idiot on the subject.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps human cooperation is a trait that gives the species, and individuals within the species, a better chance at survival, and some level of cooperative spirit and compassion (which underlies an impulse toward providing some level of a safety net to the less able -- frankly, even self interest can justify providing some level of safety net) makes an individual and a society fitter in a survival of the fittest sense.

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梁爵 said...

2019.09.10 酒店經紀:梁曉尊—專業分析酒店工作環境內容
領檯有分: 制服店領檯 和便服店領檯(都是不脫不秀的)
當然薪水上有很大的差異 有坐檯的薪水一定會比較高
再來就是手挽要好 有機會上到檯就必須讓客人留住你。
領檯不需要玩 因為會點領檯的客人也知道領檯只有單純陪酒,上的好一個月領比公關多也不是問題 平均大概十幾萬!!領台一節大約130~140(10分鐘為一節)。便服店的領台因只需帶位 月薪約在3~4萬左右 工作單純但是職缺不多!!要靠關係才能進去!!(如皇親國戚在當總經理等等)
1: 禮服店不需要與制服店公關同檯
2: 禮服店所有小姐都一樣一視同人,自我打扮/服裝自由搭配,好與不好各憑本事
3: 禮服店 (不用脫衣/不用秀舞)
4: 禮服店薪資1節10分鐘170元~190元 大幅調漲 因應市場機制
1.這行就是外表的行業 時常調整自己到最佳狀況 才是面對競爭的不二法門 不怕被其他人比下去^^
2.其實消費者來這 並非要敢玩的女生坐在旁 有時因為要應酬客戶所以來這 他們要的重點是包廂氣氛 熱絡開心最重要,也很多消費者只要酒店小姐在旁倒酒聊心事
3.至於收入多少 當然有基本的先天條件 如:女人外在條件的比例/談吐/氣質/身材 等等
4依照我們的多年經驗 還是取決自己的態度和決心,畢竟這是人的生意 是必須經營的
5.來這行的消費者主力 多為28~45歲左右 因此他們看女人的角度是不同的 因此打扮還是多少花時間去調整喔

梁爵 said...

2020.05.18酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容受到疫情影響,全台酒店、我在酒店上班的日子遭勒令停業,酒店小姐也暫時失業。一名網友就表示酒店小姐一定有S?,他看到有些新時代的獨立女性都會說,做酒店 八大行業是哪八種行業呢?不一定會賣身,只是趁年輕趕緊存錢,且不偷不搶已經存到人生第一桶金;不過原PO好奇,「酒店妹職場須知 【酒店PT 】不是會被帶出場嗎,難道只是單純吃宵夜?」貼文曝光後引發熱議。原PO在PTT指出,他看到一些新時代的獨立女性,都會說做酒店不一定會賣身,只是趁年輕存錢,「不偷不搶已經存了第一桶金,酸民有嗎?」而這種文章下面一堆女孩點讚,但原PO疑惑,「酒店妹不是會被帶出場嗎,難道只是單純吃宵夜?有沒有酒店打工這方面的八卦?」貼文一岀引發熱議,網友紛紛回應:「不一定賣身是在說別人,用別人的案例說服你」、「好像帶出場做什麼都可以,就是賣時間陪你,但S要另計的樣子」、「就S…不然能幹嘛」、「看是哪種框」。除了發生性行為外,也有過來人舉出自己的經驗,紛紛表示「玩動物森友會」、「麻將缺一位,湊酒店妹不行哦?」「有錢人都花錢帶酒店妹去聊天啊」、「吃清粥小菜」、「唱歌、打保齡球、打撞球、射飛鏢」、「看臉,臉不OK就吃消夜」、「打遊戲王卡」、「踏青旅遊逛書展」、「上次帶一個大學生出場,請她幫我寫期中報告」、「我朋友上次框酒店妹出來幫他解微積分題目,給你參考 」、「談情說愛」、「遊戲王決鬥啊,妹子沒輸過」、「探討人生哲理」、「補習英文啦」、「相約考國考」。

梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...



