
I have remarked before that one aspect of religion that I find most puzzling is the apparent need that God has to be worshiped. This is part of the reason I find it difficult to believe: the notion that an entity capable of creating this entire universe gives a rat's ass about being worshiped strikes me as being inherently implausible. Think about it: what kind of entity creates sentient beings and then demands ritual grovelling at periodic intervals? In my experience with people, those who demand the most obsequious displays from others are the least worthy of them. If God really cares whether people worship a golden calf, he's a megalomaniac. As I said before, if I were God, I'd think it was funny. (Or I would take the golden calf to be a crude representation of Me, made by primitives incapable of understanding My true glory. It's the thought that counts, right?)
I realize that religious people seem to be happy, but honestly, it makes me wonder about people. Why, outside of a kinky sex scenario, would anybody find this sort of ritual self-abasement to be fulfilling? Kneeling, bowing, singing songs that say "I suck and you, invisible being, are great." What's the fun in that? I certainly can't prove this, but it strikes me that religious denominations that require less grovelling have to psychologically more healthy than those which tend to require more. So churches that don't do the whole kneeling thing are better than those that do. At least from this perspective.
Anyhow, as religions go, Islam is certainly very high on the we-require-grovelling scale. As Christopher Hitchens observed, Islam "invokes prostrate submission or 'surrender' as a maxim to its adherents, and demands deference and respect from nonbelievers into the bargain." Like Hitch, I want to push back, hard, against the deference and respect that Muslims demand -- which is why I support recreational Koran desecration.
In any case, those looking to explain how screwed-up and backward most of the Islamic world is might consider that the abnormally-high level of abject surrender demanded by Islam might be a part of the picture. P.Z. Myers recently linked to a story illustrating just how screwy Islam is. You know what a "zebibah" is? Well, I didn't, before reading this story. It's Arabic for "raisin," but it refers to a mark on the head caused by bashing one's head on the ground five times a day in prayer, as Muslims are wont to do. Having such a mark is now a status symbol among Egyptian Muslims -- "I'm more pious than you, because I bash my head harder."
Seriously, is it any wonder that Muslims blow themselves up for Allah and whip women for showing some ankle? They think God wants them to bash their heads on the ground five times a day. If you live in a universe run by such a sick deity, it is hardly surprising that you do sick things.
The God of the Bible is different from the other gods in this respect.
1) The only worship that means anything to Him is worship that comes from a love of God; God does not expect those outside the covenant to worship Him, and membership in the covenant is voluntary.
2) The New Testament takes a twist on worship that no other text does: "whatever you do, do it for the glory of God." Make the best food you can for your family, to give glory to God for the love you show. Be the best engineer, lawyer, doctor, burger flipper, etc. to give glory to God for what He has enabled you to do with your life.
Properly understood, the highest worship that a human can give the God of Israel is to be the very best they can be, to maximize the good they do with the gifts God has given them, and in all things, give glory to God by properly reflecting God's love and grace toward others.
It might amuse you to know that the Bible refers to these acts of prostration and false piety (because it comes purely from observing rigid laws, and an unchanged heart) as being as worthless and unclean before God as the menstrual rags used in ancient times.
That "no true Scotsman" thing just never gets old, does it?
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良好、氣氛熱絡,客人自然開心,節數相對衝高。2.【業績酒店上班衣服幹樂樂、洋洋、錢錢、童童(彤彤)、甜甜 、晶晶、莎莎、 瑤瑤、蕾蕾、格格、菲菲、希希、琦琦(琪琪)、妮妮、娜娜[“小”開頭] 小倩、小羽、小柔、小米、小可、小雅、小蝶、小文、小昕、小優、小咪、小薰、小夢、小悅、小雪、小潔、小叮[“兒”]結尾雪兒、可兒、蜜兒、靈兒、吉兒、海兒、祖兒、寶兒、舞兒[英文名]Yoko、APPLE、Yuki、BoBo、CoCo、MeMe、Joan、miko、Angal、Niko、NaNa[藝人名]王菲、嘉琦、嘉欣、文琳、韶涵、關穎、葉彤、麻衣、思璇、舒淇[水果名]蘋果、櫻桃、葡萄、檸檬、蜜桃[動物名]豹豹、貓咪[飲料名]可樂、雪碧、芬達27.「輕熟女」適合酒店工作嗎?很多人平日保養酒店上班技巧得宜,即使年紀30幾歲,從外貌與20幾歲是沒有差別的,其實年齡並非節數高低的依據。每家店都有相同的現象,紅牌公關絕對不會是最年輕貌美的。加上男客消費主力是4 ~50歲,太年輕的公關反而抓不住客人的心態。有時雙方年齡差距太大,還會造成「代溝」。相信只要用心打扮,男客是分不出實際年齡。再運用更懂男人的心態,「輕熟女」反而更能衝高節數。28.什麼是「護膚養生(舒壓)館」?為何近來會異軍突起?! 「護膚養生館」存在八大許久,不算是新型態,雖然有其市場性,但都沒有太大的市佔率,外籍新住民與本國籍仍有些市場區隔,各自有一片天。 為何「護膚養生館」越來越有經濟規模呢?且有進逼甚至超越制服店的趨勢呢?以下透過各自立場說明: 店家: 1.遠離制服店的紅海,削價競爭的惡性循環讓老闆們喘不過氣來。2.硬體建置成本低,回收期較短。3.酒客少,是非少。4.行政等人事成本較低。5.利潤已被經紀與幹部拿走大部分,面對股東壓力大幹部:1.不用喝酒應酬。2.客人和其他幹部接觸比例低,比較不會被「洗走」。3.買單金額較低,幾乎沒有簽單問題。4.是非少。5.team頭虛擬化。經紀:1.沒有酒精,環境相對單純。2.相對較少同行酒店小姐穿搭開桌,「掉妹」比例降低。3.上班不用喝酒,吸引應徵人員條件。4.個別工作,較少受其他姊妹不良影響。5.工作是非少,相對經紀人工作負擔也少。姐妹:1.不用喝酒(不易被家人發現)。2.不用一直看幹部臉色(相對出現比例超低)3.少遇喝酒「大形」的奧客。 4.不用擔心一秀完舞就被卡台。5.不會遇到5個客人,只看我一個人秀舞(而且只收1人檯費而非5人)29.【女孩們票選10大不討喜的酒店包廂行為】註: 設計對白1.癡漢當紳士,宅男間像選老婆般推來推去! A客人:「你先吶!唉啊!你先!」B客人:「還是你先!」(愛呷當清純!看檯不是選老婆,我們站很久耶!)2.會喝酒的舉手!(你不知道我們不舉手會被扣錢嗎?!況且真的要拼酒時,客人你就裝傻、裝醉!)3.妳好漂亮,當我女朋友好嗎?!(我們每坐一檯就聽一遍,而客人是每個女孩都問!你當我
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