Sunday, December 16, 2007

What About Those Universities, Cass?

Clive Crook links to this Cass Sunstein article discussing the phenomenon of "enclave extremism." According to Sunstein, there is strong evidence that hanging around with like-minded people causes people to become more extreme:

About 60 Americans were brought together and assembled into a number of groups, each consisting of five or six people. Members of each group were asked to deliberate on three of the most controversial issues of the day: Should states allow same-sex couples to enter into civil unions? Should employers engage in affirmative action by giving a preference to members of traditionally disadvantaged groups? Should the United States sign an international treaty to combat global warming?

As the experiment was designed, the groups consisted of "liberal" and "conservative" enclaves — the former from Boulder, the latter from Colorado Springs. It is widely known that Boulder tends to be liberal, and Colorado Springs tends to be conservative. Participants were screened to ensure that they generally conformed to those stereotypes. People were asked to state their opinions anonymously both before and after 15 minutes of group discussion. What was the effect of that discussion?

In almost every case, people held more-extreme positions after they spoke with like-minded others. Discussion made civil unions more popular among liberals and less popular among conservatives. Liberals favored an international treaty to control global warming before discussion; they favored it far more strongly after discussion. Conservatives were neutral on that treaty before discussion, but they strongly opposed it after discussion. Liberals, mildly favorable toward affirmative action before discussion, became strongly favorable toward affirmative action after discussion. Firmly negative about affirmative action before discussion, conservatives became fiercely negative about affirmative action after discussion.

Sunstein's particular concern in this article is the internet: according to him, it makes it a lot easier for people to form homogenous enclaves where opinions get radicalized. Arguably you see such enclaves in the form of Free Republic on the right and Daily Kos on the left. It seems clear that mutual affirmation by like-minded is a big part of what's going on at sites like this.

Professor Sunstein does ignore one salient point, though. While it's easy for people to seek out opinions that confirm what you already believe, people of a more (ahem) iconoclastic mindset can certainly find independent and thoughtful voices across the spectrum. And blogging encourages you to read people you disagree with, if only to hammer them.

But I wonder why it is that Professor Sunstein ignores one of the most obvious places where the like-minded can form enclaves: university faculties. University faculties lean well to the left, particularly elite universities. You can hardly expect university professors to be immune to this sort of effect. And you don't need a study to know that "disciplines" like "women's studies," "African-American studies," and -- my favorite -- "peace studies" have to be among the worst

From a practical standpoint, if you believe in freedom of speech, there's not a lot you can do about the whole problem of like-minded enclaves on the internet. I realize that, in Professor Sunstein's case, this is an open question, but for most of us the idea of a regulatory solution is anathema. But in the case of universities, it's easy to imagine policies that would increase ideological diversity. But Professor Sunstein doesn't mention that. I wonder why not.


Mike said...

Lo and behold, FreeRepublic and DemocraticUnderground are cesspools of trolling, and show no tolerance for even mild dissent...

I can't even count the number of times I got in trouble on FreeRepublic for having mild disagreements. The best part is, the moderators are extremely biased and will allow wildly uncivil behavior from some, and not tolerate anything worse than "I respectfully disagree" from others.

cheerful iconoclast said...

Well, mike, if nothing else, CI tolerates vigorous dissent. So feel free to comment here.

Anonymous said...

LMAO...Great point!! I wish we could hear Cass's reply -- perhaps we should suggest a Federalist Society sponsored debate on this issue between Cass and Richard Epstein?

梁爵 said...

2020.06.03酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容八大行業陸續解封,其中台中市已經有75家酒店在昨(1)我在酒店上班的日子日正式復工,不過業者不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因還是得落實防疫規定,所有工作人員都必須戴口罩、保持社交距離,違反規定者最重可處歇業處分。鞭炮聲響起,台中市酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金酒店在停業1個半月後重新開張,原本酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?用來宣傳店內的佳麗跑馬燈,改成為第一線醫護人員加油打氣,防疫依舊不能鬆懈。首日復工全面備戰,員警到場臨檢,職場須知 【酒店PT 】一個一個得接受體溫測量才能進到店內查核,確保場內所有人都有戴口罩、保持社交距離,落實實名登記制。但疫情過後,驚傳酒店女不回去了。前酒店小姐:「今天才第一天開業而已,然後大家都趕快叫小姐回去,有的人轉正業,可能沒辦法馬上離職,缺小姐一定有。」酒店公關黃先生:「如果沒有(小姐)的話我們可以再應徵啊,沒有其他薪水比酒店高的啦,所以她們也是不得不回來。」很多人想找酒店上班,卻沒有良好的管道,媽咪的部落格算是管道之一!但媽咪要請妳問一下自己確定要來酒店上班了嗎?在酒店上班,必須承受許多許多的不公平與,這表示我還不夠好,而且不誨言的,我也希望收入可以增加!) 雖說酒店上班一個星期的收入等於一個上班族一個月二至三萬的薪水,八大行業絕不是輕鬆的工作很多沒在酒店上班過的都認為酒店上班是個輕鬆的工作、薪水也很多,其實薪水是有比一般工作要來的多沒錯。這陣子酒店休業損失慘重,貼出營業公告中多了一行「應徵酒店女」。受疫情衝擊的還有計程車司機。計程車司機:「差很多啦,以前都有(一天)2、3千,現在1千不到,(這陣子都去做什麼工作?)做鐵工啊。」酒店首日復工,業者全力衝刺拚業績,疫情趨緩之際,酒店開業防疫還是得擺第一。Q:未成年為什麼不能到酒店打工? A:法務部有規定未成年不得進出酒家、特種咖啡茶室、電子遊戲場...等等違反的話最嚴重的罰責是"歇業"或"停業究竟要如何在第一天就上手酒店的工作呢?許多人都認為酒店是個複雜的環境,不過與現實社會的壓力相較,酒店上班家人、男友會知道嗎?酒店兼職懶人包,酒店應徵必須懂的事,閃酒秘訣大公開,面對奧客一次就上手,酒店工作前應該注意的幾件事,這裡沒有天花亂墜的酒店應徵,都會問說到酒店上班要不要簽約。 事實上一般都是不需要簽約。

梁爵 said...

2020.06.14付費平台「酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容Swag」充斥素人自導自演的性愛影片,片中的直播主全程無碼演出,時我在酒店上班的日子內容尺度更堪比日本A片,只要粉絲願意付費,就可直接下載觀賞。就有網友納悶不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因,SWAG上的台女作風大膽,連露臉也沒在怕,比起私下酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金接S的酒店小姐,毫不遮掩,「難道swagger有比酒店妹好賺嗎?」「寧可做swagger不去做酒店是什麼心態?酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?」有網友在PTT八卦板發問,「聽說職場須知 【酒店PT 】酒店妹月收12萬起跳,差不多是一般小公司副總等級了。最近很流行拍動作片放上swag給人家看,都被看光了,臉也露了,難道swagger有比酒店妹好賺嗎?同樣都是S,酒店妹至少隱密性高,不用動腦剪片想梗,swagger為什麼之前都不做酒店?」其他網友留言「喝酒傷身啊,上床不會怎樣吧,而且應該是跟她的熟人」、「工時長,還要一直吃肝藥vs藝術工作」、「swagger可以不用陪噁男啊」、「因為素質太差,連酒店都不收」、「拍片自己可以爽,酒店只能一直喝傷身」、「Swagger很多都修圖的」、「只有AV淪落去風俗的,風俗到AV是人生升級」。不少老司機點出差異,直言「跟男友/炮友上床還有錢賺,屌打酒店賣笑」、「酒店你要給醜肥宅摸,Swagger的對象可以自己選,喝太多酒也傷身體,而且日夜生活顛倒」、「一個上夜班,一個隨你喜好上班,當然後者」、「Swagger月薪不只12萬...遠超過」、「那些人出價約一次就是酒店一個月薪水了」。

梁爵 said...








