Sunday, September 16, 2007

No Enemies To The Left

Ann Althouse links to this "scary, weird" Jane Hamsher post over at Firedoglake. Hamsher is mad because Elizabeth Edwards criticized over the Petraus/Betrayus advertisement. I mean, Hamsher is really, really, mad. And she lays down the law:

So here’s the rule. You never repeat right wing talking points to attack your own, ever. You never enter that echo chamber as a participant. Ever. You never give them a hammer to beat the left with. Just. Don’t. Do. It.

I can't even begin to catalogue the things that are wrong and creepy, and really off-putting about this statement. And it's not an isolated theme on Hamsher's part -- she links to two of her own prior statements taking the same view. Here's what she said a year ago:

First of all — I don't care if John Kerry was eating live babies on TV, one week out from an election you do not repeat GOP talking points. Ever.

And lest anybody think she didn't mean it, in her most recent post, Hamsher linked to this prior statement and quoted herself at length -- including the "eating babies" part.

Note one thing Hamsher doesn't say -- or at least if she did, I sure missed it. She didn't say to avoid Republican talking points which are wrong, or misguided, or unfair, or stupid. She seems to be saying one shouldn't concede points even if they are true. Granted, the part about "eating babies" is probably exaggeration for rhetorical effect, but we all agree (I think) that baby-eating is a bad thing, worthy of condemnation. The non-exaggerated version of the principle she seems to be articulating is "don't criticize the left, even when they're wrong."

To her, it's not about finding truth or getting the right answer. It's all about tactics, about rhetoric, about PR and fighting the partisan war of words. But mostly it's about getting power, power for its own sake.

I don't want to sound like I'm red-baiting, but isn't this a return to the old communist notion of the "party line"? The idea being that you don't express public disagreement with the party, even if you think the party line is wrong? I seldom see such strident demands for group loyalty among conservatives and libertarians.

Ultimately, this is the collectivist, totalitarian impulse: the desire to crush dissent and stifle debate. The demand for "unity" and group loyalty. It's this sort of Leninist approach to politics that resulted in the deaths of tens, if not hundreds of millions of innocent people in the 20th Century. If the "progressive" movement hopes to form any kind of humane, post-communist left, it is thinking like this that they have to abandon.


梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

2020.05.30酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容酒店兼職:梁曉尊/梁小尊 打工上班前如何調整心態!!!
1.你是否真的下定決心了?!!在這裡上班職場須知 【酒店PT 】,有時必須承受些許心理壓力。心理壓力在於..外貌.手腕.應對.決心。絕大部分的女孩只會想到自己本身的立場卻沒有想到消費者的想法。不是每位女孩上班都一定能賺到錢,你決定賺多少,你又能學習多少。取決於妳的"態度"一旦下定決心,請收起無謂的想法,好好學習應該有的工作態度。
2.當你下定決心後,請注意...先約在公共場所(如麥當勞) 對談細節(要求對方提出負面因素 如會扣錢的事項有哪些)最少看三家店的環境(這樣才能知對方能力和自己多方考慮)切記千萬別第一天看環境就馬上工作(要回家多方思考再決定)有部分招募公關的廣告,寫上許多超高的金額利誘。事實上這些金額 真的是看個人努力而有所不同啊。不能說她們是講假的,但是沒有人一開始就能做到(那要很犧牲)。